Archives: Events

  • Teen Ice Skating

    The teens will be ice skating at the Holiday Ice  at Wren Park in Anderson. Please RSVP so we have enough transportation. The cost is $5.00 to skate, but bring […]

  • Teen S.N.A.C.

    The teens are invited to the Sampson’s for a time of food fun and fellowship.

  • Evening Service

    We would like to invite you to join us as we study the book of Genesis. A nursery is available for children under three.

  • Evening Service

    We would like to invite you to join us as we study the book of Genesis. A nursery is available for children under three.

  • Teen Cook Out / Bible Study

    The teens are invited to enjoy a cookout, before our Wednesday Bible Study. We will meet outside the gym at our normal time. We will finish the evening with a […]

  • Parents of Teens Meeting

    We would like to invite our parents of teens to stay after the service for a short meeting.  Parents will meet in the fellowship hall for some refreshments, quarterly activity […]

  • Scavenger Hunt

    We would like to invite our College & Career, along with our teens for a Scavenger Hunt. We will start at the church and finish our hunt at the Sampson’s […]

  • Scavenger Hunt

    We would like to invite our College & Career, along with our teens for a Scavenger Hunt. We will start at the church and finish our hunt at the Sampson’s […]

  • Parents of Teens Meeting

    We would like to invite our parents of teens to stay after the service for a short meeting.  Parents will meet in the fellowship hall for some refreshments, quarterly activity […]

  • Minute_to_Win-it Mania

    We would like to invite teens to our Minute-to-Win-it Mania. We will meet in the gym for some Minute-to-Win-it competition. We will have some refreshments, followed by a  gospel challenge. […]