Archives: Events

  • Community Festival

    We would love to have you and your family join us for this free, fun-filled event!  The Festival will begin with a brief gospel message.  We will have hot dog […]

  • Ice Cream Fellowship

    We would like to invite you to join us after our evening service for a Ice Cream fellowship. We would like to use this fellowship to raise money for camp […]

  • Pizza Supper Night Fellowship

    We would like to invite you to join us after our evening service for a supper fellowship. We would like to use this fellowship to raise money for camp scholarships. […]

  • Sunrise Service

    Join us on the softball field as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord. We will sing praises, and hear the Scriptures as the sun rises. When we finished will […]

  • Quarterly Business Meeting

    Following our evening service, we ask all our members to stay for our quarterly business meeting. Visitors are welcome to stay.

  • Work Morning

    We would like to invite all of our church members to come out and do a Spring Clean on the church and it’s property.

  • Church Activity Night

    From youngest to oldest, all are encouraged to join us for a great time of food, fellowship & games on the church property. We’ll enjoy a dinner followed by a […]

  • Concert of Carols

    We would like to invite you to Grace Baptist Church for a time of sacred Christmas music, “Concert of Carols”.  We will have instrumental and vocal music.  Come celebrate the […]

  • Community Festival

    We would love to have you and your family join us for this free, fun-filled event!  The Festival will begin with a brief gospel message.  We will have hot dog […]

  • Community Canvassing

    This week in place of our normal prayer and Bible study meeting, we as a church family will be going out into the community with invite packets to spread the […]